Monday, June 30, 2008

What??? It's Tuesday already!!!

I really try hard to post at least every other day.

I have to be honest is hard! I really don't know how the "Super Bloggers" out there in the world do it!?! I guess the big part of the problem is that I spend most of my computer time reading blogs. By the time I am ready to post, SOMEONE (under the age of 5 usually) needs help.

We went camping this weekend and it has taken me a day and a half to get over it! I think I'll share some photos. Let's see where were we??

Anna is home!!

Just as I thought...she already asked if she could go back next year. :)

Her best friend came with me to pick her up. Not only was it a surprise for her, Emily also surprised Anna by cutting her hair for Locks of Love!! She is such a sweet girl!!

Rock on Joshua!! (yes that is Guitar Hero)

Grace was really getting into it!

Guess who??

It's Boo Boo!!!

Grace leading the way as usual.

Silly little Joshua!! :)

Not so little anymore. My baby will be 3 in one week!! :(

Yogi wasn't at the park this weekend. :(
He's been eating too many picnic baskets

People!!! Stop feeding the bears!!

The older girls had a tough time getting up.

Don't I have enough to deal with!! These guys wouldn't stop splashing each other!!

"But he/she/they started it!!"

It was so much fun!

Look Mrs. Sarah...I'm practicing. :)

Taking a break from the sun to do some arts and crafts.

The campfire.

The girls attempted the Choco-Milk Chug-a-lug Contest.

Washing down the milk with water. We must keep hydrated!

Joshua looks like he's going to fall asleep here.

Emily was so cute asleep on Anna's lap.

If he wasn't asleep before, he's asleep now! :)

Even in cars he gets into some strange sleeping positions. Look at poor Anna's leg having to hold him up. I keep telling her to keep her feet down. Oh well.

OK, I promise to try and get much better at posting on time.

1 comment:

charlotte said...

Cute Cute Pictures!!! Love the girls haircuts. Can't believe Emily did that, how sweet! You really have a bunch of water rats there don't ya. :) Ah, the joys of summer. If the fingers aren't pruny you aren't doing something right! You have three kids plus Emily. Form a Johnson Family band and send them out as the preshow band for the Jonas Brothers. They can already play guitar obviously.Looks like great summer fun!