Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fellow Blogger Challenge...Keeping It Real

OK, if I had to truly "keep it real "what would I tell you???

Hmmm.....so many things to choose from....what is on my mind right now???

I have a friend who keeps saying she has the "fever." Her fever is she wants to move. Crazy, I know.

Well, I have had the "fever" lately, but mine is for more kids. Yeah, I know what some of you are saying out there. For my ladies who understand me, thank you. :)

I have always had adoption on my heart since I was in high school. I knew that it was something I wanted to do. I was blessed to be adopted by my stepfather when my biological father passed away, I was only 9. I am blessed with an amazing husband who stepped in as Anna's father when she was only 2. He adopted her a soon as possible. Adoption surrounds me and I know it is amazing! There are so many children out there who need a forever home and I am ready to give them one.

Now all I have to do is pray. I know that my sweet hubby and I have talked about it before, but I just don't know if it is God's timing right now. I know that God brought Rodney into my life to keep me grounded. If I had it my way, we would have 10 kids by now.

Well I know I'm not off to sleep, but I don't know what else to say right now. I guess I'll go work on my slide show.

Love you all!!


Anna said...

Wow that would be really exciting if you decide to adopt another child.
We have 2 adopted daughters and are currently going through the 'process' to adopt again.

You'll have to keep us posted if you decide to go ahead with it one day. It is a bit like a 'fever' that won't go away for sure...I definitely have that 'fever'!!


charlotte said...

I totally understand your heart wanting to add more kids to your lives but remember how hectic a 'normal' day is around your house? Imagine with one more. Wait til Joshua is a little older. He still needs his mommy's attention and now the hectic part of having three kids activities going in all directions at the same time is just beginning. Love them in your heart but concentrate on your babies while they're young and still want you in their lives. That time ends way too quickly. :)