Monday, July 21, 2008

Anna and her best friend.

Do you remember laughing this hard? I do. I remember my best friend in Jr. High, we used to laugh so hard that Dr. Pepper would come out of our noses! This usually followed our competition of who could stick the most Jello squares to the ceiling.

Yes, we were dorks.

This is Anna and her best friend "E" at the Boys and Girls country last month. I LOVE these pictures!!

Hopefully I will be getting back on track with my posting now. Last week was VBS and this weekend Rodney and I went out of town with two other couples. I wasn't able to get any pictures because everyone wanted to make cameras off limits for the weekend. I guess it worked out though, I spent the entire weekend by the pool, taking naps, sleeping in, and eating chocolate!! yippee!!!


Anna said...

They are such great photos of the girls! They look so happy.

I do remember lots of fun times with my best friends as a kid and lots of talking and giggling on and on about 'nothing'! My Dad was so amazed how I could talk to my friend who lived across the road on the phone for hours and then when he told me to hang up we would then go out the front and keep talking!!! He always wondered how we managed to keep talking for that long...and what about!

Have a good week,

Christie Lacy said...

These are perfection.

charlotte said...

Ah, the innocent joys of childhood. Treasure them.