Thursday, April 24, 2008

So I was looking through my old picture files...

Mommas sweet babies.

They are my babies forever.

Even though they will argue me into the ground that they are not babies anymore!

A reflection shot of Anna.

I haven't posted many of Anna lately. For some reason I don't get many pictures of just her anymore. I promise to get better about that. I really want to focus on getting more Mommy/Anna time soon.

She is getting so big. Makes me so sad and proud at the same time.

Joshua playing with his remote control Grave Digger after his first "poop" in the potty. (just being completely open and honest here) :)


Anna said...

What gorgeous children you have!!! Love your pix, and esp the reflection shot of Anna...just beautiful!

And good on you Joshua for your big 'achievement'!!!

Its exciting for us Mums isn't it when these milestones happen even if it is to do with poop LOL!

charlotte said...

Anna looks so young in that picture. Time sure is flying by.:( They'll be grown and gone before you turn around. Then they'll be back again. Ha. Don't worry mom, as long as you have a dime to your name they'll keep in touch.
Congrats to my big boy on the potty training!! Couldn't believe how low his voice was when he called me the other day.
Where did all the babies go??? They're making me OLD!!!
Hugs and kisses for all.