Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I think I'm actually going to start posting to my blog!

It has almost been a year since I set up my blog and time has flown by! I'm not surprised this is only my second post though. English, writing in particular, was never my favorite subject in school.

I hope to keep up with my blog from now on, and promise to try and post at least every few days. Do you think it will happen?? I'm not so sure either, but I'll give it my best!

I have been so inspired by many other blogs I have started to read this past year. I am going to get a list started so you can check them out too! What a great way to keep everyone up to date on what is happening with the family! I am always taking pictures, so I think I'll add some now. Here are just a few "snapshots" of the family that I have taken recently.

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