Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I am going to miss my babies!!

I leave for Montana in less than 48 hours and I am sick to my stomach! I am so excited to go on my mission trip, but I always start missing my babies before I even leave.

I am trying to soak up all the time I can with them.

I am trying to get all my kisses...hugs...and loving in before I leave.

Please pray for a blessed week at the Hays Pow Wow. Please pray for my family why I am gone.

Here are a few pictures from last weekend. Something to remember my little punks. :) I love them so much!!

1 comment:

charlotte said...

Love these pictures!!!Especially the first one. You know your kids will be well taken care of. :) They'll miss you while you're gone which is a good thing cause they'll appreciate you that much more when you get back. Have a safe and wonderful trip. You do great things in Montana,keep it up!!