Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow?? Snow in Texas?? What is that all about??

Sad I know. Very sad that it takes returning home from a trip to Delaware and being in Houston, TX of ALL places to see... SNOW!!!

Now all you northern friends of mine... don't laugh. This little sprinkle of snow entertained my children for 2 hours!! Just take a look at that sad little snowball Anna and her friend Shelby were able to round up. :)

It has been so long since I have been here and I am so sorry for that. I really thought that after that last post, Anna was going to keep up with my blog for me. LOL She does have another post started, but she's as bad as I am about distractions. This time of year there are so many!!

Let me tell you a little of what I have been doing:

1. Organizing a Christmas party and gifts for 8 boys in the cottage my Sunday school sponsors.
2. Purchasing all the gifts for another cottage of 8 boys. (I was the personal shopper for their sponsor)
3. Lots and lots of photo shoots.
4. Laundry.
5. Trip to DE with the ENTIRE family... on a PLANE... on only 24 HOURS notice!!! (my grandfather passed away)
6. Black Friday shopping with my expecting SIL in Delaware!! (crazy, I know!)
7. Lots and lots of paperwork for our foster/adoption journey.
8. A couple of work Christmas parties with Rodney.
9. Facebook.
10. Both of my girls birthday parties!!
11. Oh yeah... and taking care of the 3 kids we have now. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How I want my Summer Vacation to be (maybe in school too)

   Do you want to know how I spent my summer vacation?Well, I really want to walk dogs for 1.00 each,there I said it! Now are you happy?Dogs are my favorite animals, besides my cat. The cat that I have now is,well my first cat that I've ever had (I think so). Back to dogs, Bailey my first dog, was my favorite dog. He was so fun and so cute!!! But we had to give him away!!! I was crying for hours!!! I want another dog but my parents won't let me. So thats why I want to walk dogs in the summer, maybe while I'm in school too. Now you know what I want to do in the summer (maybe all year and I want to save up to buy a dog and beg and beg and tell my parents that I'll pay for one myself). Bye! Bye! (see don't you love my story?! I'm only a kid! Well, I'm getting bored. Gotta go eat dinner!) AWESOME PLAN ISN'T IT!!!

(written by Anna, my 9 year old)