Saturday, November 15, 2008

I wasn't kidding...

... I really wasn't. :)

I said it was going to be very busy and I meant it. Whew! We have gotten so much done! The fire inspection passed, yeah!! The paperwork is all filled out. MY LIFE BOOK IS COMPLETE!!! (Can you tell which was the hardest for me?)  CPR/First Aid got postponed until Monday. 

I had ablation surgery. 

Yep, you heard me. I feel fine. I feel 100%. I know it's because of all the prayers from friends and family, and because of our God who is a great healer! I mean, He knows it's the holidays and I can't be down for more than a day. :) Right??

Speaking of holidays, I want to tell you about our church's Ladies Holiday Dinner I attended on Friday night. It was AMAZING!! Besides the decor, the food, and the company, the speaker was WONDERFUL!! To put it simply, she challenged everyone to invite Jesus to Christmas this year. (at least I took it as a challenge) 

I mean isn't it hard sometimes to forget? It is for me. I try so hard every year, but even then they busyness of the season distracts me. I have a new challenge this year and I am going to do my best. I plan to invite Jesus to my house for Christmas. 

Guess what else...

I don't have any pictures to post right now. I have lots to catch up with, but I have to get back to work editing my sessions. I will be back soon my friends!

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