Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's finished!!

I got back today from my Ladies Leadership Conference and this is what I saw!! I am so excited!!

I am absolutely exhausted from a wonderful 24 hours with the amazing women from my church. I will post again tomorrow with more, but for now....look at my house!!! Isn't it purty!!


charlotte said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! Best in the neighborhood!

Anna said...

Wow...your house looks great Lisa. What a transformation!!

And sounds like a great weekend for you too...look forward to hearing all about it.

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

What a difference! I really like that color and how it blends with the outdoors - great choice! Love the photos of C's b-day - looks like the cake got the worst of it:)

Stacey and Dewey said...

Your home is BEAUTIFUL!! I love the new color, I have to agree much better then the old color. Isn't it amazing how a color can add so much personality to a home?
Have a great week!

Lisa Johnson said...

Thank you so much everyone! I am really enjoying it!

Next we get to paint the inside. :)

Ruth said...

Ohh... nice! Did you get the roof painted too?

Andrea said...

IT IS GORGEOUS!!!! luv that new color! CHanged the whole thing, didn't it?!!! wow!!
