I know...I know....
My next post was supposed to have pretty pictures of my pretty painted house. Well, that is just not possible until I clean my not-so-pretty painted house. The walls look great, but it is everything else that is a WRECK!!
So until I get that all together, let's talk about kiddos!!!
My sweet hubby and I completed the second step in our adoption process. For CPS the first is going to the information meeting and the second is turning in our paperwork. We did that last Thursday!!
We have decided to adopt 2 children and hopefully it will be a sibling group. If it were up to me, I would adopt 12 more! My DH is the one who is level-headed. It is when things like this come up that it is so clear to me why God chose Rodney just for me!
The pictures I have added are just for fun. I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Here is our sweet Bella. She absolutely LOVES my little studio! I love taking pictures of her in my little studio!! :)
Anna and Emily just can't stand the thought that summer is over. They are trying to hold on as long as possible!!
Adopting??!!!! WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!!!
and WOW!! again!!!!!!!
Congrats on your "pregnancies" my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO watching this domestic adoption process closely I tell ya....I wonder if this domestic adoption thang is contagious via blogs? (I hope so!)
I am SOOOOOOOO excited for ya!!!
PS So, are your other kidlets give to you via adoption too or is this your first time??? And why don't I know this already??!!!
Wow Lisa, Just saw your comment on Andrea's blog and had to visit yours.
How exciting!!!! That is BIG news and really hope it all goes well.
We are in the process of adopting our 3rd child (our other 2 are adopted as well) and are adopting locally here in Australia. How hard/long a process is it for you in the US? Are there many kids needing adoptive families locally? I know here, there are not that many as most seem to be in the foster care system rather than placed for adoption.
WOW can't wait to hear how it all goes!!
You've been just too busy by the sounds of it to be worrying about tidying up your house...much more exciting things happening :)
Take care,
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