Friday, May 30, 2008

I had a wonderful birthday!

Well I wasn't going to post about my birthday, but I have to tell everyone involved with yesterday....THANK YOU!!! I had a wonderful time!!

I started the day baking with Grace. She wanted to make me a cake with a pony on it. She even went into great detail about how to get the icing in the bag for decorating. (all those cake decorating shows on PBS)

My sweet friends Crista, Sarah, Amber, Doris, and Julie brought over lots of goodies for a YUMMY brunch!! (I even had extra breakfast tacos for this morning!! YUM!!)

And for my birthday I bought the kids a little pool. Now why would I buy them something??

Hours of enjoyment for the kids...hours of peace for mommy!!

Even better...Ammie came up to take me out to lunch and she helped fill the pool up!! We also took a quick trip out to the new outlet mall. (next time we'll go without the kids so we can focus on the shopping!!)

Now what about that cake you say???

You want to see the pony???

Well...we didn't get that far. Around 9pm last night we decided to just slap some icing on it and eat!!

But first...SOMEONE had to sing me "Happy Birthday" before they got any cake!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sneak peak of some cute cousins!

On Sunday afternoon I had the opportunity to take these two sweet cousins out for a little photo fun!

Seeing these two together reminded me of growing up so close to my cousins!

This sweet princess fit right in with our crowd...loves the dirt!

More to come mommas! :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day! (yes I am aware that it is 11:59pm)

I want to begin by saying Happy Memorial Day to all o our service men and women. I would like to send a special thank you to my cousin William, Uncle Johnnie, cousin Johnnie, and all of my family and friends who have and are still serving our country!

This is what I am thankful for this weekend. (yes I know it's not Thanksgiving, but because of our freedom I get to do these things with my family)

Trips to the park to see baby ducks...(literally just down the street and I just found out they were there a few days ago!) How cute!!

Tea Parties...

Grace in formal attire.

Joshua was happy to be invited. (I was disappointed to see no tie) :)

More swimming....

And finally...naps!

Now I am off to edit a few sessions!

Friday, May 23, 2008

FFF (I might as well) :)

Well I like to read quite a few blogs, and I think I am going to try the Favorite Foto Friday post. (I don't know where it started, but MANY blogs have this)

My favorite thing to do is take pictures of my kids, so I am going to have fun figuring out what to post.

This week was easy. Summer has started for the little ones and that meant we had to have our first trip to Mrs. Sarah's pool!!

Do you think Joshua has enough flotation devices to keep him above the water?? :)
(don't worry Ammie, I NEVER get to far from him!)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My New Look

I almost forgot!!! If you're here, then you must have noticed the new look!! :)

Thank you so much Nikki of Blogs for a Cause for designing it for me!! (please check out sidebar for the link if you are interested) This woman is doing amazing things in the lives of children all over the world!! I was thrilled to be able to donate and get an amazing blog design for it!!

I forgot to post these...

I had so much fun with this picture in Photoshop!! I wanted to make sure I didn't break any rules and post a picture of someone else's child. (at least one I don't know)

Look at my baby... she did so good!

Is this really what I have to look forward to?!?!

Shh....I'll tell you a little secret. I was on the Drill Team, cheerleaders were not my favorite. :)
(that was in high school though...I'm over it)

This was Joshua's big day in gymnastics.

Actually it was mommies, because now he gets to go to the preschool class. No more Mommy and me!! I love watching and being there for support, but I would rather sit and do that. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I love a family that loves nature!

I finally got a chance to shoot at a new location and was I thrilled! Not only was the "P" Family a joy to work with, but this location had the BEST climbing tree. I posted a few pictures especially for the kids. (they loved climbing that tree!!)

Thank you again for letting me photograph your sweet family!! (and just look how that puppy smiles for the camera!)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's finished!!

I got back today from my Ladies Leadership Conference and this is what I saw!! I am so excited!!

I am absolutely exhausted from a wonderful 24 hours with the amazing women from my church. I will post again tomorrow with more, but for now....look at my house!!! Isn't it purty!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Can you see me jumping for joy???

Ever since we moved into our house I have never liked the color. We moved in because we liked the park right next door, and I liked the people on the street!

But guess what!!! We are finally getting it painted!! Take a look...





I'll let you know as oon as they are finished!!

Happy 1st Birthday Baby "C"!!

I had a great time with this sweet baby the other day! He is one of my very best friends little boys. We did this same type of shoot with his big brother, but it was a little different this time.

We tried several times to get some of the same shots, but that's just hilarious in itself!! I mean really, what 12 month old is going to take direction when there is a HUGE cake in their face?? No matter how hard we tried to get him to take some cake and put it in his mouth, he just kept on licking the candle. Then he tried to bite that waxy candle...yuck!

We had such a great time! Here are just a couple to share for now. I will try to get more up later today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Three more weeks...summer fun to look forward to!

I am looking forward to summer!! The fact that we are going to Disneyworld at the beginning, might have something to do with this.

I am taking a walk down memory lane and looking at a few of the things we did last summer.

Who thinks I could get Rodney to participate in a photo shoot again???

Yeah, me neither. Hee hee!! I had so much fun that day!!

Smores...what more can I say?? What is a summer without them?

And while we are on the subject, I saw some pre-packaged ones at Walmart today...

they DON'T count!!

My the sunset...much happiness for momma!

We play ALOT in the yard with sprinklers!!

There are probably many other pictures that would have made more sense to post, but I just couldn't resist this adorable face!

Big sister Anna giving a ride through the water at Moody Gardens.

This is the way we do art. I know I have a picture of the final product, but I can't find it right now.

The paper I use is my background paper for photography. When it's time to switch it out, I take the old paper and let the kids paint away!! They love this!!

Grace...this one just makes me smile.

My babies and their snacks. All that water fun makes them HUNGRY!!

And then they sleep well on the way home!! Yippee!!

Anna helping me in my garden. :)

I could post a million more photos, but that would make this a very long post. I'll save some for later.

I still have to show you a little of Anna at a cheer workshop, Grace singing Skidamarinkadinkadink Skidamarinkadoo, and Joshua at gymnastics.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thanks for stopping by Ree!! (The Pioneer Woman)

Well I have entered a contest on one of my favorite blogs, For this contest she asked everyone to post a comment with their website information. What absolutely amazes me is that she is visiting ALL of those sites!!! I thought I would ake a special post just for her.

Thank you for stopping by Ree!!!

I found a few photos to make you feel all warm and fuzzy...just like home.

This was my sweet hubby's birthday. See the hat?? He bought it especially for the Houston Rodeo this year. I doubt he'll put it back on until the next rodeo.

This is very sad, I know. These are hats from Walmart. It was Rodeo Day and mommy went out VERY late looking for stuff to wear. Sure we could have spent alot of money and gone to Cavender's, but again...just for one day???

This is the Houston Rodeo...something. He welcomes all the people when you come in the arena. My little man didn't know what to think of this one. He prefers Mickey Mouse.

Instead of horses, this is how my kids roll. In the "ellow jeep," in costume, and here's the real humor in it all...its Easter!

Well Ree, thanks for stopping by! I love your blog!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Joshua's sleeping and Grace's lip looks yucky.

It's been awhile since I posted one of Joshua sleeping. (Please notice that he INSISTED on putting on his jacket when it is 90 degrees in Houston!!)

This is what Grace's puffy lip looks like today. :(